TWIA- Temporary General Liability Insurance


If you are a small business owner that only needs General Liability coverage for short periods, check out our TWIA Temporary General Liability Insurance Program.

Case Example: Jane is a Real Estate photographer that has just landed a new opportunity to shoot several houses over the next few weeks for a large Real Estate Company. But Jane has been told that while she is at each location, she must have General Liability insurance to comply with the vendor policies of the Real Estate Company. Jane works as a Photographer as a side gig, and sometimes she has gone months without any work; she does not want to pay for a business insurance policy with an annual premium, she decides to use the TWIA Temporary “Off and On” Policy as needed to meet the requirements on all of her clients, while not having to pay for a full year’s policy.

Pricing– Depends on factors such as industry, length of time needed, and geographical location.

Purchasing process– 1. Add to Cart 2. Received Confirmation Email 3. Access Instant and Online Quoting Access from Email.

Estimated Time Frame- 5-10 minutes

Requirements– Short Online Application