TWIA PEO Workers Compensation Insurance


Protect Your Business and Your Team with TWIA PEO Workers Compensation Insurance.

Higher-risk operations need to consider and be aware of their worker’s compensation options.
TWIA PEO worker’s compensation insurance is an excellent choice for businesses with high payrolls and labor-intensive operations. It can help you avoid costly audits and payroll disputes, as well as provide higher-quality coverage compared to the state-assigned risk pool.

With TWIA PEO Workers Compensation Insurance, you get access to a Preferred Employer Organization (PEO) option that is perfect for larger payrolls and higher-risk operations. This could be a better option than relying on the state-assigned risk pool.

If you are looking for a way to cover your employees while streamlining your payroll and audit process consider TWIA PEO Workers Compensation Insurance, order your quote today.

Pricing– Depends on various factors such as payroll, number of employees, and loss history.

Purchasing Process 1. Order your quote 2. Receive Email confirmation 3. Access the Portal from the link in the email to complete the online application.

Requirements– Application Loss History- 5 Years “currently valued” loss runs (If applicable).

Estimated Time Frame– 5 to 15 minutes to complete the application. Turnaround time for quotes is currently 2-4 business days but can take as long as 3 to 5 business days for larger complex industries and operations.