TWIA Industrial Property Insurance


Protect Your Business Investment with Comprehensive Industrial Property Insurance.

Looking for comprehensive property insurance to protect your industrial or commercial assets?

TWIA Industrial Property Insurance Program provides comprehensive coverage for all of your valued properties and includes protection for additions and alterations made to the property.

At TWIA, we offer comprehensive coverage that is reliable and cost-effective.

Protect your commercial and industrial property today with TWIA’s Industrial Property Insurance Program.

Order Your Quote Today

Pricing: Depends on factors such as the age of the building, size of the building, prior losses, and other factors.

Purchasing Process: 1. Place Order 2. Receive email confirmation. 3. Complete the Application and Provide Payment Details.

Requirements: Application  and Loss History- 5 Years “currently valued” loss runs (If applicable)

Estimated Time Frame: 5 to 15 minutes to complete the application. Turnaround time for quotes is currently 1-2 hours.
for most non-construction-related industries, but it can take as long as 3 to 5 business days for larger complex industries and operations.