Janitorial Services Bond


If something goes missing, what if YOU or Your Employees are Blamed?

Usually Includes a 100 deductible.

Bond Amount Options: $5,000 $10,000 $25,000 or $50,000 (If higher amounts are needed, underwriting will be required)


The price range is from $100.00 to 584.00 per year. Depending on the number of employees and amount of bond requested. [For Example, a $50,000 bond for a company that has 10 employees will be 316 for the year. 3-year options are available] (view why we ALWAYS recommend this option)


Step 1: Click “began purchase”

Step 2: Enter the required details on the application.

Step 3: Look for the “Application Receipt Confirmation” Email confirming your application is being reviewed.

Step 4: Once reviewed, you will receive another email directly from the Carrier requesting payment.

Step 5: Upon receipt of payment, bond documents will be processed and emailed to you.

The total Processing time for Bond Paperwork is between 1 to 1 1/2 hours.


A fully Completed and Submitted Application.